Copper Alloy

Manufacturing and commercialization of Copper Ingots.

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Copper Alloy

Fundição Magma produces high quality copper alloy ingots. In compliance with international standards, the company maintains strict quality control, from end to end of its production processes. Supported by a technical team led by engineers specialized in metal casting, in addition to its own modern laboratories, Magma sends its customers quality certificates with each delivery.

Our company produces copper alloy for casting and industries across the country and abroad, in the most diverse segments, such as: electricity, electronics, plumbing, civil construction, architecture, transport, consumer goods and health.

This diversity is possible because the basic copper alloy is easily associated with other metals, which broadens its spectrum of use and makes the metal the third most used in the world (behind only iron and aluminum).

Liga de Cobre
Copper Alloy
Copper Alloy
Copper Alloy

Copper Alloy Characteristics

Copper has a metal luster and a reddish color. It is a ductile, malleable and 100% recyclable metal. It is one of the few materials that can be recycled several times without losing its fundamental properties.

Although it oxidizes in contact with water and oxygen, one of the characteristics of the copper alloy is its resistance to corrosion and high temperatures, as well as being an excellent conductor of electricity and heat.

Present in human history in the past 8,000 years BC, copper is one of the most important metals for the modern industry.

Its heat and energy conduction properties are unsurpassed compared to other metals.

Dissipador com Cobre
Peça em Cobre

Copper Alloy Applications

Bronze results from the union of copper and tin. Brass is derived from the combination of copper and zinc. Together, tin copper and zinc copper alloys account for 66% of annual copper consumption for electrical applications.

This predominance does not prevent its use in other segments, such as:

  • Coins mint
  • Hot water tubing and piping production
  • Thermal energy transmitters manufacturing
  • Collector bars manufacturing
  • Telephony components production

Fundição Magma Copper Ingots

Fundição Magma manufactured copper ingots include an extensive list of other metals and alloys in its product portfolio. The company also develops special alloys to meet the specific demands of its customers.

To learn about our complete ingot line please contact us or request a visit from one of our engineers!